One of the world's most popular spices, black peppercorns are actually unripe green fruits (berries) that have been sun-dried after fermenting. Frontier offers black pepper in a full range of grinds — cracked, coarse, medium and fine — to suit your every need. Frontier Co-op® Fine Grind Black Pepper is ideal in dishes where you want smooth, consistent pepper flavor without the visually obvious black flecks.
With Frontier's partner in Kerala, India, our Fair Trade Certified black pepper can be traced to the small-holder farmer. Frontier's projects with these farmers actually expand beyond just the certification with a number of projects that help farmers manage their crops through ongoing climate change, including past funding of a soil, plant and water testing lab, investing in an organic agriculture training program focused on building the soil and biodiversity, and promoting local varieties of pepper that are hardier against flood and drought conditions.
Look for the globally recognized logo on Frontier Co-op products.
Our organic, fair trade bulk fine-grind black pepper is also kosher certified.
Your Fairtrade purchase empowers farming communities to earn and invest additional funds where most needed. This product is Fairtrade sourced, audited, certified and traded from Fairtrade producers.